People who cannot speak have a hard time speaking with others who don't know sign language and the same goes for the people who can't listen. Our glove and app bridges this gap. Put on our gloves, open our app and minimise it in the background, now use your regular sign language and our app will convert it into voice snippets for people to understand. For the people who can't listen our app has a mic button which when pressed converts the voice into sign language gifs for them to understand. Our app bridges the gap of communication between the people who can speak, people who can't speak and the people who can't hear. Also, our app built upon flutter which uses dart and therefore both ios and android versions are available.
Now, everyone can and will speak!
The app is built upon flutter which is very new, being Google Associate Android Developers we didn't had much experience in Flutter so everything was a challenge but having a good experience in android development gave us an edge.