e-bureau,FoodSaver20008 ,Camprec,Shefali-Portfolio

E-bureau - makes crime management easier, Foodsaver- keeps track of food in the house and keeps warning to use it before expiry, Camprec- Campus management System.

The problem e-bureau,FoodSaver20008 ,Camprec,Shefali-Portfolio solves

E-bureau is a web app that aims to make crime management easier. It includes features like General Diary, Crime Reports, and reporting of a missing person. It is used by both public and police to make crime management easier.
FoodSaver200008 is a web app that keep track of the food in your house, or restaurant and keeps warning you to use the product before it got expired. as we know due to wastage of food there is a greenhouse gas emission which affects our environment.
Camprec is a Web app that aims to provide an organized recruitment service in India. It connects clients to Candidates in this digital era.

Challenges I ran into

Through this journey of SWOC, I have learned to work on tech stacks that I haven't used before like Tailwind CSS and Yarn. and improved my knowledge in other tech stacks that I have used before like ReactJS and JS. One of problems I have faced while creating a landing page for the E-bureau website, that is the website uses the Tailwind CSS, initially, I don't know this and tried adding the CSS style sheets but some of the properties are not working, then I connected with the admin of this project and learned the how to use tailwind Css and completed my task.
Also, one of the problem I faced while working on the Camprec project ,initially it has some bugs and is not working on my local machine, mentors and project admin has helped me to overcome this problem.
