Created on 25th November 2023
EatEasy is basically made for our college for easy management hostel and mess.
It's hard to put complaint by writing on paper and submitting in office for students and also for warden it's hard to manage his/her time and view all complaints. So this website solve this basic problems. It also helps Accountants to manage Hostel's Expense.
Students are always worried about mess menu. So they can see mess menu and have rating over there . They can put their comments on complaints and put their words to warden, accountants and mess committee. Similarly other roles can also performs their task/responsibility well.
First bug that took allots of time is fixing nodemailer and google Oauth2.0 for sending automated mails to users.
I need to read docs to implements this feature and i didn't find good documentation. After integrating that i was getting GaxiosError: invalid_grant after reading so many articles i found that running my project using proxy allows to use VPN but google Oauth2.0 is not competible with VPN and it is less secure. So I fixed this and solved this problem.
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