Earning Shop ........ Shop and Earn

Earning Shop aims to provide our customers earn money on the purchases they make on different e-commerce websites

The problem Earning Shop ........ Shop and Earn solves

For every average indian household, family budgeting is a task in itself and in the current inflating times it rather becomes a mission in itself so saving a rupee in a purchase is a great relief in itself to the budget and hearts of the family . Earning Shop gives our customers cashback on the purchases they make on different e-commerce websites and not only that our customers also get additional points in their virtual wallet maintained in his Earning Shop account which can be redeemed in the form of cash when reaching to a certain limit . Thus, this enables our citizens to enjoy the options, availablility and quality offered by ecommerce without compromising with their budgets

Challenges we ran into

1.Execution of the expected design with the css was the greatest challenge bcoz it changes made in a class affects the orientataion and styles of other classes
2.Redirecting of page due to invalid credentials while logging in to new page instead of same page which was coped up with the help of php and html and now redirecting it to same page
3.The processing of the data in the backend of the input in the search bar which we failed to complete due to unavailablitity of time.
4.We were trying to build a portal in our website in which micro,small and medium entreprises can join us and proivde affiliate advantages to customers through us but failed to do so due to lack of time
