Early suraksha

Early suraksha

Your safety our priority : EarlySuraksha

The problem Early suraksha solves

In the past, precious lives have been lost due to lightning and heat
wave. Some states have collaborated with some international
agencies for the EWS (Early Warning System). Its ability to monitor
in-cloud lightning, in addition to cloud-to-ground lightning enables
faster localized storm alerts so forecasters can warn and thus help in
saving precious lives. IMD is also issuing the Early Warnings/Alerts
for the lightning and heat wave before 4 hrs and 30 mins, however
there is no system for dissemination to the affected areas with fastest
a) This life-saving early warning system will be able to disseminate
information about lightning and other dangerous conditions directly to
every village through bulk messaging free mobile Application.
b) The evolution of an effective EWS (Early Warning system) will not
only help in saving lives and reducing property damage but will also
help in gaining new weather data sets to optimize operations,
analyze trends and protect critical infrastructure.
c) How to ensure that warning/alerts sent to the mobile devices are
seen by the affected people.

Challenges we ran into

a) Removing Internet depedency was the major struggle and it forced us to light mid-night lamps to find a way around it
b) Having a solution that caters the remote areas like villages and agricultural land was major concern
c) Coming up with a creative idea of educating people in an interactive Manner.

Tracks Applied (2)


Disaster risk reduction: Lightning strikes can cause significant damage to property and loss of life. By providing early...Read More

Open Innovation

Collaboration with stakeholders: Open innovation involves collaborating with a diverse set of stakeholders to develop in...Read More
