Created on 8th May 2022
The current voting system in India is neither safe nor secure. There are various malpractices that take place during elections. Some of them are, manipulation of votes, booth capturing, man-in-the-middle attack, voter list problems, etc. Only an average of 60 percent of the total population votes during the elections due to many reasons like old age people are not able to go and vote, many Indians are residing in foreign but have Indian residency, and many more reasons. Even due to the offline voting system schedule of the Indian armed forces is also disturbed which also disturbs the budget of the government. Blocking voters from reaching the booth is also a major problem. It’s a common practice that goons in the area do not allow voters to reach the booth and vote. The idea to present here is MOBILE VOTING TECHNOLOGY i.e. E-VOTING through advanced technology(Blockchain and AI ). The only pre-requisite is Aadhar ID of every citizen should be linked to their voter card. The idea is to make a website for E-Voting where we can log in with our Aadhar card or voter card and its password would be our fingerprint and face recognition. In mobile voting technology as vote counting is 100% automatic and instant. There is no human intervention hence no scope of human error. Any duplicate record would be fished out as a person would not be able to fake the bio-metrics. Votes are stored in the central server and not at booth-level machines. Even if some remote booth is captured by goons they will get access to Tabs which are just screens. They can neither cast new votes without Aadhaar authentication of voters nor manipulate stored votes as stored votes are safe in the central server. Also, there will be an increment in government capital as no physical security is required, and neither they have to approach different colleges or schools which helps in saving the capital of government as well as every citizen as well as it will also save the time of each and everybody.
Actually out project consists of various technologies like web dev block chain and artii… inte….. But we are beginners so we tried our best to implement best in our idea…. We have learn various things in this 48 hours hackathon.. As we were not having implementation of blockchain in our project but we have tried to understand dapp ie decentralized application for block chain codes by taking guidance from and watching tutorials from morails website.. it was really amazing and we learnt a lot from it...
In future we will try our best to imolent the idea the way we have proposed...
Technologies used