Created on 4th December 2022
Small businesses in emerging markets face acute credit crunch estimated to be $5 tn
Existing bank liquidity isn’t sufficient
Global liquidity isn’t accessible
No comprehensive scoring mechanism which can be immutably shared with the world as a “proof of credit reputation”
dygniy’s solution:
We’ve built a scoring framework which builds an smb’s comprehensive 'Proof of reputation' credit scorethat combines off-chain credit bureau score + on-chain wallet activity related to on-chain borrowing track record across multiple borrowing/lending protocols
Off-chain scoring includes an off-chain credit score and complete off-chain credit history like repayment track record, loan enquiries, loans outstanding
On-chain scoring module computes a score using wallet credentials like length of credit history, avg age of the wallet, size of assets bought on chain, liquidation history of the wallet
SMBs can mint an NFT and share their on+off chain reputation with global on-chain lenders, basis which lenders can lend to SMBs
Dygnify’s solution includes user friendly and privacy protected on boarding (social auth, gasless experience) for smbs which can be accessed on a mobile, finally enabling:
A. Access to borderless capital for SMBs in emerging markets
B. Reduced cost of capital and
C. Democratise growth of SMBs
This repo contains what we coded during the Hackathon to build the on-off chain 'Proof of reputation' credit score integrating covalent
This repo contains Dygnify DeFi base protocol code in which we created a new branch with name 'EthIndia2022' specifically for the work in EthIndia22 hackathon which contains integration with sponsor partners like IPFS, Biconomy, Push, EtherSpot, Valist and others.
INTERNET connectivity at the venue could have been much better. We had few challenges integrating Biconomy SDK for gasless transactions, but finally we were able to do it with their support.
Tracks Applied (11)
Push Protocol
Protocol Labs
Protocol Labs