

Decentralized Twitter that allows users to share their opinions and feelings online with no security threats

The problem Dwitter solves

Social Media platforms in general have access to a lot of our personal information that is stored on centralized servers that are prone to security threats. Build a decentralized platform that allows users to share their opinions and feelings online while considering the above.

It consists of Ethereum Blockchain, Django Backend Server React Native, and React as the frontend.

Hardhat is used for creating a local blockchain and deploying it to the local test network.

Bi-layered Content Moderation Policy:
AI and ML models used to detect hateful speech, sensitive images, and inappropriate content
Not only in text but images, audio files, and videos that are attached to a post.
Before the tweet is published, it goes through these checks.
Decentralized! - Empowering the users!
The people decide which tweets stay on the network.
Voting Consensus:
Users report the tweet and then it is put out for voting to all users.
Once a 51% consensus is reached, the tweet gets automatically removed or stays based on the final verdict of voting.

Challenges I ran into

Integration of blockchain with React Native app was difficult.

Tracks Applied (1)

Ethereum Track

It consists of Ethereum Blockchain, Django Backend Server and React as the frontend. Hardhat is used for creating a loc...Read More

