

A social media platform where people own their data.

The problem Dweeter solves

Social Media platforms in general have access to a lot of our personal information that is stored on centralized servers that are prone to security threats. There is also less transparency and control given to the user as the controller of the application can suspend his or her account at will. Over the past 15 years or so, social media has gained tremendous traction. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have reached soaring heights as companies. Social media has its benefits, such as global connectivity and low barrier to entry. It also gives people a platform for expression. The sector has taken a dark turn in recent years, however, igniting aggression and spreading false information, while, at the same time, raising questions of censorship. Eric Yang, founder and executive director of Junto — a nonprofit decentralized social media startup — sees three main issues with the current landscape. The first of the three issues mentioned by Yang relates to governance, which is essentially the people or entities tasked with a given platform's overwatch and management. "A lot of these companies are set up as for-profit institutions that have a fiduciary obligation to their investors," Yang told Cointelegraph in an interview.
Essentially, profit drives said social media entities as their actions impact investors' pockets, Yang explained. These giants often lure users in with a seemingly free platform for interaction, while selling those users' information and data for profit, in tandem with advertising tactics and other measures. Looking out for themselves instead of users, these social media giants maintain their digital platforms with such profit tactics in mind, while playing on customers' psychological weaknesses, Yang posited.

Challenges we ran into

We ran into the problem of creating a DAO to remove the tweets with the highest number of reports. We successfully overcame that problem by making the owner of the contract hold elections for tweets that have a high number of reports and then if the number of votes is more than 51% of the total number of votes then it should be removed.
Secondly, we ran into a problem of minting nfts of the tweets of a user. But later we achieved it using ipfs and erc721 token

Tracks Applied (6)

Polygon: Open Track

The contract will be deployed on the polygon test network

Polygon Technology


For authentication, arcana will be used

Arcana Network


AI models for hate speech and nudity detection in videos, images, and audio is done which could be done using ChainML


ConsenSys: Metamask Snaps

Metamask wallet is used for transactions


ConsenSys: Truffle + Infura

Truffle will be used for compilation and infura for ipfs


Aave Grants DAO

We have created a DAO for voting for reported tweets

Aave Grants DAO
