

Chat , Video call , file storage and livestream. everything decentralized and on a single platform.


The problem Dverse solves

Now u don't have to worry about any data leaks and compramise, dverse don't ask or store single of your data. you can chat , video call , livestream and store files without worrying about data theft, your chat data will be stored in your system and the person you are talking to, same for other services.

Challenges I ran into

It was preety hard to build all 4 of this services, and the hardest part was to implement the network system for chatting because the firewall of a system was blocking the connection and chat comming from a p2p network , it was fun to find a work around for it, for video call i needed some COLD serverse which can help in initial connection creation , so i had to created multiple COLD servers which can act as a temperory connection creator and mutliple servers will help to provide decentralization in the service.
