

A pomodoro timer combined with facial drowsiness detection.

The problem DrowsiDoro solves

It has been observed that students are taking up the "pomodoro" technique of studies which leads to hours of sitting at a stretch. In such a case, the DrowsiDoro takes up the challenge of detecting drowsiness while the timer is at work. On detecting drowsiness, it alerts the student to take some rest or take a break before the elapsed time or suggests some stretching/exercises to improve concentration.

Challenges I ran into

Usage of mediapipe - Creating a face mesh was tricky along with a speech prompt. I created a separate function using gtts instead of using an in built text to speech method.
Multithreading such that the pomodoro timer worked at front end while the drowsiness detection model worked in the back end - Wasn't able to integrate a synchronised method to have them run simultaneously as pyscript didn't allow the integration of python in the html file due to import statements of mediapipe being used
Proper closure of mediapipe and opencv application

Tracks Applied (4)


My project utilises tools of computer vision to detect drowsiness depending upon measurements of eye ratio, etc. It crea...Read More

Productivity Tools

My project fits into productivity tools track as: Focused Work Sessions: The Pomodoro technique divides work into focuse...Read More

Mental Health & Productivity

My project fits into mental health and productivity track as it encourages: Improved Time Management: The Pomodoro techn...Read More

Open Innovation

My project can also be included under the open innovation track as it covers aspects like: Drowsiness Detection for Opti...Read More
