Reviews/Reputations are an important source of information for users as it can play an important role and help them in making decisions. Existing reputation systems are centralised in nature and can hence be unreliable and untrustworthy with the reputation that they show. This is because the votes are held at a centralised server and can be manipulated if required. To solve this we present - DRate - a decentralised reputation system which users can use to upload movies(events) and allow users to review and rate them.
The voting system employed by the platform is inspired by Vitalik Buterin's smart voting proposal. The voting system factors in both the users vote and their preference. When a user sign's up to the platform they are assigned 100 tokens internally. When a user cast's their vote they pay a quadratically increasing number of tokens towards their vote. This means that - to cast y votes, the user spends y*y tokens. This prevents users from manipulating the rating as they are now limited in their capability in casting wrong votes.
The user gains tokens in 2 ways:
At this stage of the platform we do not see the requirement of tokens but would be considering it strongly in future extensions of this platform.
Arcana does not support Mantle. Integrating polygon ID required a thorough understanding of its different subparts such that we are able to integrate it with our platform as we require it.
We had made some progress in our application before the start of the hackathon itself. The progress includes:
Things that we built during the hackathon:
Tracks Applied (8)
Polygon Technology
Polygon Technology
Arcana Network
Push Protocol