Drashya: An idea to guide farmers

The problem DRASHYA solves

As per Niti Ayog report one of the major problems faced by farmers are lack of information and poor cropping method.

The crops that are grown in India are divided into two broad categories: food crops and non-food crops. While the former comprise food-grains, sugarcane and other beverages, the latter includes different kinds of fibres and oilseeds.

Successful conduct of agricultural operations depends upon a proper rotation of crops.-If cereals are grown on a plot of land its fertility is reduced to some extent. This can be restored if other crops such as pulses are grown on the same plot on a rotational basis. Most farmers in India are illiterate and do not understand this important point. Since they are not aware of the need for crop rotation they use the same type of crop and, consequently, the land loses its fertility considerably.

Drashya aims at rectifing cropping methods and crop rotation. If these are acted upon not only farmers income but the soil used by them can be changed for the better.

Challenges we ran into

We aim to achieve this by providing right information at right time. This information will be provided by local/verified data saved. As internet can be very misleading thus decision was made to collect information and provide that. In order to keep the data accurate it will be collected from verified sites, institutions.

Apart from that the site's primary language will be Hindi and Bundelkhandi (* Madhya Pradesh specific) for better understanding.

To enhance the structure and make app availabilty. Primary focus will be on valid information, language ease (statewise language like Telugu for Andra Pradesh, Tamil for Tamil Nadu etc ) Also easy acciessbility.

This is a prototype Drashya is growing
