Created on 4th September 2021
Commonly there are shots at being influenced by some infection. It is conceivable that you might not have any desire to visit a specialist, yet this choice can be dangerous on the off chance that you really are influenced by some illness. In any case, perusing the web for any potential illnesses dependent on your manifestations can prompt expanded disarray and dread, other than the entire problem of tracking down the right site. So we have used A Machine Learning model-based web app that predicts diseases or other health conditions based on the provided symptoms and fetches the suitable diseases.
Being First-Year students we faced many problems while making the complete Web App. We encountered Bugs and errors while building the complete project. The major bug was in the REST API, the teammate who was building the backend of the project was expecting some headers and cookies for the authentication in his code and while making the frontend we just skipped passing the header and we postman was all set with headers, When we were testing our code on Postman it worked fine but in our application, it was throwing an HTTP 401. Debugging this error was a nightmare for us and yes it took almost two days but we did it. There were many many bugs but this Bug was really a nightmare.
Technologies used