Sometimes education need's a doctor...

Created on 19th April 2020



Sometimes education need's a doctor...

The problem Dr. EDU solves

This product helps prevent malpractices that occur in online testing platforms used by teachers during this quarantine time. It helps in better recording and easy evaluation of assignments for teachers. Various teachers have been giving assignments and conducting online tests. However, this has led to vast internet misuse by students. This problem needs to be solved to make a system fair. We have a plagiarism detector that checks for the plague in student's answers. Students can't switch between tabs or open any other window during the test or it will lead to an immediate end of the test. This platform also helps the teacher to solve student doubts. In existing solutions, the teachers either create a google / Microsoft form links or the students mail their doubts on teachers' email addresses. These solutions are not good alternatives for handling queries. So out system helps in better handling of the queries. There is a scheduling feature too in which teachers can schedule their plan with meetings, classes and other tasks. The teachers can make there online tests and assignments and can get that set question papers back. The Student has its links for tests and query windows.

Challenges we ran into

Most cloud hosting platforms are paid and our plagiarism detector requires real-time management of files which was causing a lot of problems on cloud platforms to host our flask app. We resolved this problem by running the app on our local servers. In the near future, we look forward to connecting flask apps with Google Firebase and GCP to further provides great services.


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