

The onestop solution for saving for sensitive information without worrying about it getting stolen.

The problem D-Protect solves

The secured personal information manager build on IPFS and Filecoin.
Why centralized storage is bad for your sensitive data? 🔑📄
When you use a password manager or any other vault app, you store your data on a specific location (local or private cloud) this have some critical problems. your important data is centralized, meaning that whoever controls the location controls the content. The controller can change the content, completely replace it, or just take it away. That makes your data vulnerable to attacks, exploitation, and loss.

This makes centralized storage [local or remote] not optimal for storing important data, each has it's downsides

Remote or Cloud: Denied access to data or data deletion because of billing issues or even policy changes or what ever the service provider says, **You're completely reliant on who is holding your data

Local: Vulnerable to hacks, MITM attacks or just accidental data lose

But With D-Protect your data is:
✨ Secure: and your master password never stored or transmitted.

✨ Trustless: Does not require you to trust the password manager company to know your data is safe.

✨ Persistent: Stored on the IPFS and Filecoin Network to ensure it's availability.

✨ Open source: and open for anyone to study and analyze it's codebase.

✨ Provable Ownership: Where you own your data the same way you own your FIL or bitcoin in your wallet.

Challenges we ran into

The first and foremost challenge for us was handling security issues that come along with IPFS. IPFS though being a decentralized storage isn't 100% secure but ofcourse the best option available. To improve the security, we made a meta key in the db which when matches with the Hash Value generated by the SHA algorithm only then a user can retrieve data.
Planning and implement this was surely a challenge.
Apart from this, having worked with ML in our project, deployement become a major issue and it still is.
We have attached all relevant screenshots and uploaded a video tutorial of how our platform works.

Tracks Applied (2)


Our Project Basically fits in the Cyber Security Domain. Surely it will be a part of the Open Innovation Track.


We have used IPFS and FileCoin for the storage aspect of the sensitive information our app aims to secure.

