Don't touch my Luffy

Don't touch my Luffy

A fascinating game app for android devices created using pygame.

The problem Don't touch my Luffy solves

Playing games can help children test their strategic thinking and awareness of their wider environment. It can help boost memory, spatial awareness and problem-solving. In some cases playing games can also improve dexterity in younger children.
So it's recommended to play games which can be useful for child development.

Challenges we ran into

The Project has been made solely using Pygame library from Python Language.
This game includes some of the awesome features like animation, game movement ,quality music and 3D transistions.
It was very difficult to build it from scratch since Pygame documentation was very hard to understand. I took help of youtube and StackOverFlow to resolve some issues.
Problem has been approached with a thing in mind that ,this game must be User-Friendly and well optimized while playing in their Android Mobile.

Technologies used
