
donate money to covid relief projects and manage funds in transparent manner.



donate money to covid relief projects and manage funds in transparent manner.

The problem donate-pie solves

Donation to covid relief projects is not transparent and less impacting ,we are trying to solve this using blockchain.Using matic network,wyre payment users can donate directly using USD to crypto relief projects.Any crypto relief ptojects can create its own fund.

When people donate they get slices which represent their share in your project

they can vote with thier share on proposals to use donated funds

More members can be added,funds held by DAO can be sent out transparently for action or pay members for action towards covid relief.

any covid-19 relief project can create it's own Slice DAO and manage donated funds transperently using a DAO governance.

check video demo and image demo for more information or test the demo on hosted surge website.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Programming first time on matic
  2. Dynamic loading of data from matic blockchain
