

DolphinFi is a new generation of DEX. Instant settlement with no requirement of Oracles or LPs.

The problem Dolphin.XYZ solves

DolphinFi is a new generation of DEX, where the price is engineered by a price discovery Model. Within our Protocol, any token exchange goes beyond mere social endorsement, it symbolically conveys a deeper intention. This intention is recognized and honored through the issuance of a ‘FIN.’

In the context of the Creators’ Economy, current decentralized exchange (DEX) standards fail to reflect the nature of true value creation, which is driven by the network effect wherein both creators and participants contribute to the overall value of the network.


  • Enhance the liquidity available for IP-related assets.


  • To coordinate creators, fans, degens, and traders collectively forms supply chains enhances network effects.
  • To form effective value chains that create long-lasting value for users.

USE CASE 1: To Form a Collaborative Creator Group: If a project that had been previously launched on crowdfunding platform Kickstart, another creator could work on an individual card by purchasing an "FIN" from the Creator on the board game and listing a remix that indicates the release of the rework for sale.

USE CASE 2: New IP Launching: KOLs can participate in the process by teasing their fans on Twitter and creating a separate page for advertising prior to the official launching of the project. Upon fulfillment of the launching conditions, the user has the right to purchase the 1st FIN at the lowest price.

USE CASE 3: Participation for Speculation: Speculators can be profitable by participation early on well anticipated popular IPA collections, and choose the right timing for the exit. Borrowing and lending features will be available at a later stage to accommodate short selling. Traders who engage in arbitrage have the opportunities to win rewards by using the burn-back function which basically forces remix cancellation (similar to a liquidation event) or in the event of disputes.

Challenges we ran into


  • To trade on indefinite quantities of FIN
  • Relational Node via the Graph Model


  • Price ceiling reached with no willingness to Remix.
  • Remix has happened a number of times on a branch but willing to convert back to the main root
  • Support 2:1 Remix


  • VRF to introduce price randomness


  • Planned Improvements for On-boarding Process
