DoCure(Electronic Health Record System)

DoCure(Electronic Health Record System)

DoCure helps in Medical report data extraction, medical report data storage, OCR, EHR, EMR, PHR, and semi-structured document extraction.

The problem DoCure(Electronic Health Record System) solves

Revolving around today's era, there is a lot of medical research surfacing new diseases, new symptoms as well as new medical reports. Layman faces several problems in maintaining their medical data efficiently and updating it from time to time without losing any reports. These reports are required not only for medical purposes but also during the pandemic, such reports hold a lot of significance for daily activities. In such a situation, having an alternative to store medical reports, and related data eases several aspects for people. Some of the commonly noticed problems that have been discovered are:
1)Frequent expensive consultations
2)Loss of medical data due to inefficient maintenance
3)Irregular updating of data
4)Difficult access to data by patients and doctors
5)Improper interpretation of report data
6)Insecure storage of data
To tackle these issues we aim to build a system that can address all the points. The proposed system will require three main components: a data extraction component that can extract data from medical reports in the form of images or PDFs, a data storage component that can safely store the data extracted from the data extraction component, and a data analysis component, which can retrieve the data of the user and interpret the data of the reports for the user in a simple and convenient manner.

Challenges we ran into

There are many hurdles that we faced in making our website :
1)Creating Schema for Patient,Doctor and Reports
2)Finding OCR,CreatingText Mining Algorithms for Medical Reports
