

A decentralised application in the healthcare sector involving a decentralised marketplace. A dAPP maintains anonymous medical reports and aids in seamless healthcare across the globe.

Created on 7th March 2023

This project has been flagged for recycling pre-existing work



A decentralised application in the healthcare sector involving a decentralised marketplace. A dAPP maintains anonymous medical reports and aids in seamless healthcare across the globe.

The problem Docthereum solves

Here are some of the problems which Docthereum aims to solve:
1.Decentralized health platform to aid in managing patient reports and provide seamless healthcare whenever and wherever needed across the globe
2.Certified Labs and Doctors to aid in managing patient reports and provide seamless healthcare whenever and wherever 3.needed across the globe
4.Remain Anonymous. Your medical data can't be tracked back to your real identity.
5.Medical Researchers can analyse anonymous reports from Docthereum by The Graph API

The data stored is secured through multiple layers of encryption. You would be the owner of your data and no one can tamper with it.
The dAPP is automatically connected to a marketplace using the bridge. When we upload the prescription, the ML models identify the medicines and automatically order them on the marketplace or inform the user about the availability of that medicine.
The local medical stores act as the nodes on the Ethereum network and provide real-time data about the availability of medicines on the marketplace

Challenges we ran into

I faced issues while connecting the 2 different Ethereum networks through the use of bridges. Integrating the Rinkeby test network and the Goerli test network for the marketplace was very troublesome.
Integrating Chainlink with the Polygon bridge was also full of difficulties.
Writing the smart contract for the MetaMask used in the marketplace created a lot of errors which ultimately were solved with the help of API integration of MetaMask.
Incorporating AI-ML models in the blockchain network to automatically order medicines from the marketplace on the basis of the medical records stored on the IPFS storage.

Tracks Applied (7)

Ethereum + Polygon Track

We have used two separate Ethereum networks which are connected via Polygon bridges. The use of Polygon to write smart c...Read More


Ethereum Track

The project is based on the Ethereum network and uses Metamask for the marketplace. The project is built using two separ...Read More



We have used IPFS Filecon protocols in the storage of health records. It is also connected with the other Ethereum netwo...Read More



We built a solidity smart contract on Polygon using Replit IDE and Replit Solidity development documentation.



We have used AI-ML techniques to automatically read patient details from the reports and order the respective medicines ...Read More


The project built is a decentralised application in the healthcare sector involving a decentralised marketplace. A dAPP ...Read More

Open Innovation

The project is an amalgamation of different technologies used starting from AI-ML models to blockchain networks, nodes, ...Read More


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