Created on 10th September 2023
DocSpot addresses the common frustration of lengthy wait times and difficulty in securing timely medical appointments. By offering a user-friendly platform for online doctor booking, it empowers individuals to effortlessly find and connect with nearby healthcare professionals. This streamlined process not only saves time but also ensures prompt medical attention, contributing to a more efficient and satisfactory healthcare experience.
During the development of MediConnect, we encountered several challenges. The most prominent one was the stringent time constraint imposed by the project timeline. This necessitated efficient task prioritization and time management.
Additionally, continuous collaboration within the team resulted in instances where the codebase broke due to conflicting updates. We mitigated this by implementing version control systems and establishing clear communication channels for code integration.
Overall, proactive problem-solving, effective communication, and strategic planning were pivotal in overcoming these hurdles and ensuring the successful development of MediConnect.
Technologies used