Ever felt it hard to spell the magic of GPT in long pdfs & docs? Needed to copy paste the whole content? Here’s the solution you wanted!

The problem Doc-GPT solves

Ever thought if you could simply share a whole document itself & ask your question based on the pdf content directly to interact with a GPT model like "chat GPT" ? Most of us might have encountered this & have always ended up manually copying and pasting content from PDFs. This is the problem DOC-GPT tries to solve. The process of extracting information from PDF documents and responding to questions related to their content can be simplified & users can seamlessly upload PDF files directly to the platform, eliminating the need for manual content extraction. Basically, a very useful "chat GPT plugin" that simplifies interactions with the GPT model for querying PDF content. Also, such a plugin which requires a combination of technologies including PDF processing, natural language processing (NLP), and user interface development has not yet been into existence, making the tool Doc-GPT unique.

Challenges I ran into

There was a POST Error, which showed connection refused for a longer time which was resolved on making the mappings correct. Also, the connection between a file uploaded & open ai api was slightly difficult.

Tracks Applied (1)

Open Innovation

In an Open Innovation track, the project "Doc-GPT" is a prime example of harnessing the power of external resources and ...Read More
