
Speak your Language!

Created on 9th January 2022



Speak your Language!

The problem DocFluent solves

Our website aims to dissolve the Language Barrier!
Language barriers prevent free flow of information. It can cause simple tasks in day to day life to be difficult. in India alone as many as 121 languages are spoken, an individual is not expected to learn all these languages to overcome the language barrier. This is where we can make use of technology to bridge the gap between different communities speaking different languages. Government documents are generally not available in different native languages and it can become very difficult for individuals to understand the official language of Documents and different their rules and regulations. The website DocFluent will not only translate government documents but any textual content into 24 language pairs. The users will get the downloaded version of their translated file in the same as input format.
Machine translation has become very popular in a last few years and has also made many advancements resulting in better and quicker Translations. We have used this Artificial Intelligence technology to resolve the most common issue face by different communities.


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