Do The Right

When Done right sums up your good deeds

The problem Do The Right solves

Our extension is a utility model with following listed features:

Reviews and Ratings : Providing live ratings and reviews for any site in particular can be useful for any other user visiting that site as a feedback.. This feature not only helps other users by providing ease access to valuable content, but also prevents from reaching un desired sites , if any..

Blacklist: Our extension prevents all its user-base from surfing any phishing websites which may install virus and decay the systems by blacklisting them, thus not allowing them to be opened on the system..This feature acts as a safety concern in completely online and cyber era

Bookmark: Our extension provides users with utility of search engine on bookmarked/saved websites. When multiple sites are saved, finding the required site from history/ bookmarks becomes a head-ache. Having a Google search engine mechanism over them using NLP, ML concepts makes tasks easy and super useful

Challenges we ran into

Changing Existing Web Search Results was bit tricky to handle.
