

Dmusic is decentralized application to sell and purchase music contents



Dmusic is decentralized application to sell and purchase music contents

The problem Dmusic solves

When ever we use a mobile app like spotify, we use data which is stored in a centralized system. This centralised authorithy has full access to the data, they can delete or block the content without any prior notice, which effect both content creator and the listener. Most creators are paid by the centralised authority, which involves bias. Fans have to resort to collect physical merchandise sold by the artist from the central authority, which cost them to pay more.
Dmusic solve all of the issues mentioned above. since blockchain is immutable, in which details are stored securely.
we use filecoin to store the data, and the hash is stored in mumbai(polygon testnet)which runs on ethereum evm.
Now the music creator can directly sell his content to his fans, they can even resell it with ease.

Challenges we ran into

Had to face lot and lots of errors, mainly during compile time and during deploying. And i was able to get most of the solution from stackoverflow, rest done with googling and previous knowledge.
