
3D Interactive Live video sessions for online classes and meetings.

Created on 28th February 2021



3D Interactive Live video sessions for online classes and meetings.

The problem 3DMeet solves

What we solve

We face the inadequacy of explaining huge 3D models (like machineries, tools.... in labs) with just video classes, engineering labs worth the learning of exploring them with real interactions and visualizations during the video classes.
Here we introduce a platform called 3DMeet which provide 3D interaction real-time with video classes and meetings.

Problems with the existing technology

  • Lacks ability to analyse 3D objects in depth and detail.
  • Lacks the student teacher interaction to a great extent while explaining large 3D machineries for example.
  • Lacks ability to point out and learn 3D models during video classes.

Our Solution

  • An interactive web platform in which teachers can interact with their students through video, and also with a real time interactive 3D model of the portion they are taking.
  • We implemented, live 3D model interaction along side of video classes in realtime sync with teacher.


  • Provide real-time interaction with 3D models (eg. Machines, tools…) alongside of video streaming classes. Student can explore 3D models shared by the teacher along side of the normal video classes.
  • Enables teacher to point out to a specific label in a 3D model in sync with the student.
  • Allows two way interaction on 3D model between teacher and student.

Challenges we ran into

Implementing 3D model alongside of video sessions was the challenge we ran into.


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