
A one-stop DApp for all things Fleet. Monitor fleet and asset activity, Track their location and Manage OEM, HOS and ELD compliances.

Created on 12th December 2021



A one-stop DApp for all things Fleet. Monitor fleet and asset activity, Track their location and Manage OEM, HOS and ELD compliances.

The problem Dleet solves

In a fleet, there are so many participants, and so much of data sharing from one participant to another takes place. Wondering if the data in between is manipulated by a participant in the freight ? If at all that happens, the final consumer might not receive the authentic and quality product. D-leet enables the track-and-trace solutions that offer a panoramic view of high-ticket supply chains. End-to-end visibility of mobile resources and assets in real time makes it evident why blockchain solves for it.

Challenges we ran into

While creating the signup/login page, we faced the bug that when we tried to permit the user to read or write data to realtime database or firestore,the user has prior to the user authentication. Note that if you let people sign up (with Google SSO for example) they will automatically have access to all of your data, and that's the precise solution for centralized products like FleetComplete, however our case needed way more changes in the Smart contract had we tried to semi-centralize. On that hurdle, we tuned the parameters indefinitely up until we finally got the Signup page all ready, thereafter one thing led to another and here we are with the D-leet App, up and running on production.


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