Dividend Dispatcher token Plugin is a plugin that allows you to issue company stocks and distribute dividends to your stockholders. It is a simple and easy to use app that allows you to distribute dividends to your token holders.
This is done by using a plugable ERC20 that can be subscribed to various plugins on the chain. A CompanyShare Token that can be distributed to the stake holder that can be subscribed to the Dividend dispatcher to enable the company to pay dividends to its shareholders.
1, In order to figure out how to work with and use the 1inch token plugins, we were unable to find any documentation for them, so it was tough to figure out how they worked.
2, A problem has come up with Openzepplin versions as Openzepplin has recently moved to V5, which uses 0.8.20 Solidity, but the token plugin is only compatible with 0.8.0 of this version.
Tracks Applied (4)
1inch Network
Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.