College students are enthusiastic about particpating in hackathons and building innovative projects during this season.However,online hacakthons present a significant challenege for the students.

The problem DISFOLIO solves

As hackathon season begins, our team is eager to participate in as many events as possible. However, due to limited experience and the constraints of the organizing committees, we are often limited to online events. Despite these limitations, we value the unique experience of building projects collectively and showcasing our team spirit.

Currently, participants must register on Devfolio, and organizers review their resumes and profiles. Once selected, participants are invited to a Discord server where they are briefed on the hackathon schedule and connected with organizers and mentors. However, communication between team members and mentors can be difficult on Discord.

To address this challenge, our team developed a one-stop solution called DisFolio. It is a website that streamlines the hackathon process, enabling seamless communication between organizers, participants, and mentors. DisFolio integrates features from both Devfolio and Discord.

Organizers can list their hackathons and schedules on Devfolio, which is visible to participants. When a participant registers, they are given the option to either create a team or join a team after which they provide a profile, including a resume and social media links. After review, organizers can either accept or decline the application. If rejected, the hackathon status is removed from the applied tab.

Once accepted, participants can communicate with their team and assigned mentors through DisFolio. Likewise, mentors can chat with their assigned groups, making the process simple and straightforward.

Overall, DisFolio is an effective tool that enhances the hackathon experience and promotes effective communication between all participants. With this solution, our team looks forward to more successful hackathon events in the future.

Challenges we ran into

During the development of our project, we encountered various challenges. These included issues with maintaining database consistency and difficulties in properly mapping data into components. Despite these obstacles, we persevered and were able to create a functional solution.

One feature we had hoped to implement was the ability for organizers to change the logo of their hackathon. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, we were unable to implement this feature.

Another feature we had planned was an announcement section, which would have served as a one-way communication channel. However, due to the limited timeframe, we were unable to include this feature in the final product.

Despite these challenges and unimplemented features, we are proud of the solution we developed. We believe it will be a valuable tool for hackathon organizers, participants, and mentors alike. Moving forward, we hope to continue improving our solution and implementing new features that will enhance the hackathon experience.

Technologies used
