Digital University

All in one Digital University

The problem Digital University solves

We as a student of digital world, likes to work digitally...hence this all in one Digital University helps Faculties, Students, Sweepers and Chef's as well to work on time with speed and accuracy and immense clarity. For this, a number of sections are created which covers each and evry aspects of a university whether its Canteen ,Library, CCA events(NCC, DSC, Codechef etc) or Student section(Bonafied issue, results) or Placement cellor Fess payment, I have gathered all these at one place.

Challenges I ran into

At first I dont know where should I store the details and verify and authenticate the users. Then I came to know Backend is required for that, which I dont know. After that as we know if their is problem then always a creative solution lies their. And hence, I used Google forms as a medium for that, with some add ons which can validate and authenticate the users/students too. In this way I creatively solved the problem.

Technologies used
