Digi Learn

Embark on a Voyage of Learning

The problem Digi Learn solves

We cookie clan present before you, "DigiLearn" -Embark on a voyage of learning. Due to this pandemic our lives and education was at a pause and to overcome and resume education sector online classes played a major role. Students studying in higher class were able to manage all the work using different platforms but the actual problem was faced by young students (class 1- class 6), they are not that much familiar with various software. so the main idea behind it was to bring all the necessary software under a common platform with a very simple user interface and some exciting element of surprise also so the children would enjoy learning and this could be beneficial for them as well.

Challenges we ran into

Although the idea of the project was very clear in our minds, we ran into a couple of challenges while executing it. Firstly the website is 100% responsive and hosted online on a heroku server.Both the processess challenged our web team a bit.Apart from that implementing Firebase Storage for our website was a first time as well and scaling up to that required the full test of our skills.
Next, for the app team the main challenge was to implement the Firebase Realtime Database and Storage together in a project.Although this put us to a test, but doing so ensured that our product will be helpful not only for children, but database engineers too.
Lastly, building a child-friendly UI for both web and app services was more challenging than it seemed, and we as a team gave our best.
