
You are what you eat, so don't be fast, cheap, easy, or fake.

The problem Die.t_hard solves

However the main problems arises when they actually get down to make a meal plan . Most of the online resources which aid the formation of a personalized diet plans for its users , are framed to be only useful for foreign markets other than India .
Here at Die.T_HARD, all the meal prep plans are heavily personalized and customizable to make sure the user attains his/her fitness goals.

The key focus of thought for our website is that we understand the diversity of Indian cuisines and how intimately the cultural identity of each and every state is tied up with its cuisines and food. Thus, we have categorized the Indian dishes into local, state-wise dishes. The user can choose from a wide variety of dishes of his/her own preferred locality (Maharashtrian, Gujarathi, Goan, etc.), and the algorithm sets up their meal plan amongst the chosen category with caloric and macronutrient constraints. Weekly diet analyses and a very detailed nutrient tracker are also provided.
The targeted users are Indian residents of all age groups who are looking for clean , easy to setup , personalized and thoroughly analysed meal plans to develop healthy food habits optimised for Indian cuisines and local food for their own fitness goals although the users who will benefit most are more likely to be Indian middle aged urban population .

1.Don't like the daily meal plan the algorithm has set up? Don't worry,the daily meal plan can be customized any time where you can choose food from any locality and add any dish according to your liking!
2.Our rating system teaches us about your liking so we can improve our recommendations.
3.Whether it's due to diet requirements, limited time for cooking, or just a desire to keep things simple, recurring dishes allow you to put your favorite foods and meals on repeat.
4.Complex nutrition or macro schemes? Never fear, we're here for you. Set different targets for each day of the week and make quick adjustments if you miss a day.

Challenges we ran into

Google firebase got updated last minute and we were stuck with authentication as no doc was given to do with spring.This ate all our time . Due to this we were unable to fully implement our idea.
