Diabetes Predictor App

Predict Diabetes on the fly with our 85% accurate Machine-Learning model live on Internet.

Created on 4th March 2022


Diabetes Predictor App

Predict Diabetes on the fly with our 85% accurate Machine-Learning model live on Internet.

The problem Diabetes Predictor App solves

The application solves the biggest concerns of all PATHOLOGY CENTERS that how to infer the test results without getting the COSTLY appointments with doctors .
When a person gets his sugar test results he is completely OBLIVIOUS on how to infer whether he is DIABETIC OR NOT . from the data present in the TEST-Report which is full of MEDICAL-JARGONS.
The applicaion that I have created can solve this isssue by bridging the Knowlegde gap, using KAGGLE -DATASET TRAINED POLYNOMIAL REGRESSION MACHINE LEARNING MODEL, which is available for use live on internet!

Challenges I ran into

Getting accurate dataset was a challenge- Using 100% dataset present on Kaggle solved that for me.
Analysing data was difficult- Pandas, numpy, plotlib libraries of Pyhton helped me to analyse data and choose suitable model.
Making MLmodel- Using polynomial regresssion model of sklearn helped me to set up POLYNOMIAL REGRESSSION model
Training the model on test data set- Used sklearn library to divide test and train data in 20 / 80 ratio, for testing and training.
Deploying the model-LIVE! -- used Heroku server to host application by intgrating the model into FLASK(pyhton) Backend.


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