
This Project is built in a hackathon organised by National Institute of Technology, NIT Silchar.



This Project is built in a hackathon organised by National Institute of Technology, NIT Silchar.

The problem DevKit solves

Developing is not an easy task and as a developer we love to automate our work flow and be as lazy as we can. Keeping an eye over some of the modern problems and requirements,

Challenges we ran into

Grid Systems- Hard CSS for graph page
Sketch Board System- We faced a difficulty as we weren't able to provide the canvas when the user wants it to.
Alan Voice assisstant- We were not able to use The Alan directly by injecting the "aln-btn" div into the pop-up html. Rather we have inject it to JS to the original DOM(original Website page) using Content-scripts.
worklist-Accessing the local storage through extensions.
After a lot of research and hard work, we finally overcame the obstacles
