Development  of  e-Portal  for  facilitating  Case

Development of e-Portal for facilitating Case

We introduce a robust e-Portal with two-step verification for registration/ login, specifically designed to streamline and modernize the entire case management process. Remote Hearings Digital Case

Development  of  e-Portal  for  facilitating  Case

Development of e-Portal for facilitating Case

We introduce a robust e-Portal with two-step verification for registration/ login, specifically designed to streamline and modernize the entire case management process. Remote Hearings Digital Case

The problem Development of e-Portal for facilitating Case solves

Virtual Hearings is an innovative approach to streamline
Case Management Hearings and improve the efficiency of
the legal process.
Key Features :

  1. User-Centric Design : VH focuses on user experience, offering
    an intuitive and accessible platform for legal professionals and
    parties involved.
  2. Virtual Hearing Rooms: It provides secure virtual hearing
    rooms with end-to-end encryption for confidential case
    discussions and evidence presentations.
  3. Smart Document Management : Advanced document
    management capabilities include automatic categorization,
    version control, and a user-friendly interface for document
    uploads and sharing.
  4. Robust Security : Employ state-of-the-art security measures
    to safeguard sensitive case data and maintain trust in the
  5. Digital Transformation : Implement a comprehensive e-portal
    to digitize and streamline case management process.

Challenges we ran into

Manual processes result in delays
and administrative inefficiencies.Challenges
in synchronizing hearings for parties in different locations.High costs and resource consumption associated with physical hearings.Reduced accessibility to legal services, particularly for remote or underserved areas

Tracks Applied (1)

Beginners Track

This project comes under Open innovation
