

A safe platform for creating, selling, and buying tickets in the most magical and easy way possible.

The problem DeTickets solves

The traditional ticketing system has many issues. primarily because it is centralised The tickets are frequently purchased and then sold again on the black market. Additionally, since there is no possibility of customer authentication, tickets cannot be claimed by others once they have been purchased. These issues are resolved by De-tickets because it is a decentralised ticketing system. Customers can buy and sell tickets, enhancing the flexibility and convenience of the entire ticketing process

Challenges we ran into

The main challenge was to design a contract which can dynamically create new contracts on the run.
Also since the code required to create this type of contract, which is very large, it cannot be deployed on the polygon network because of the maximum code limit in polygon of 24576 bytes. So we had to optimize our code to such an extent such that it could be deployed on polygon network.
