
Infers world around you better!!! It's a program to detect one or more object.



Infers world around you better!!! It's a program to detect one or more object.

The problem DetectO solves

It helps to detect one or more objects in another image with multiple objects. It detects objects in test image from input image. Number of objects to be detected can be varied from one to many. It detects occluded objects in a conjusted picture as well. It can be employed in warehouses. It can also be used as a alarming system in security places by detecting suspicious objects if present. It can be deployed into other frameorks such as Yii 2 framework and android as well for easier use.

Challenges we ran into

First challenge: We didn't had the kinect sensor to take depth images. We solved this challenge by finding an online NLY dataset consisting of rgb and depth images but it had raw data and from renderring images from this data we required MATLAB and hardware specifications like NVidia, CUDA,
Second Challenge: Algorithms for processing depth images were only available in research papers we were not able to find any library which had functions for depth image processing.
