

A decentralized, permissionless Slack-like messaging platform, with audio and video conferencing using huddle01 SDK.

Created on 29th January 2023



A decentralized, permissionless Slack-like messaging platform, with audio and video conferencing using huddle01 SDK.

The problem DeSlack solves

Censorship-resistant chat and conferencing platform that enables people from anywhere in the world to connect and share ideas.

Challenges we ran into

The major challenges we ran into during the development process were listening to events fired by our backend smart contract deployed on Goerli testnet. Another major hurdle was interfacing the backend with the Reactjs frontend and updating the smart contract start according to user input.

Tracks Applied (2)

Ethereum Track

This project uses Solidity, ethers.js, and Hardhat to develop EVM-compatible smart contracts and enables interaction wit...Read More


Best use of Huddle01 SDK

We have integrated video and voice chats seperately using the Huddle01 SDK.



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