Created on 19th February 2023
Platform's goal is to manage and distribute creative content in a safe and transparent manner by granting media licences on the blockchain. This project intends to build an immutable record of media ownership and usage rights through the use of blockchain for licensing, enabling a simplified licensing procedure and better protection for artists.
Idea: First challenge was to come up with a unique practical idea, with web3 universe filled with nft platforms and marketplaces the vacuum for licensed digital assets was not explored and worked upon. So brainstorming on such an idea was an experience to count on all for of us.
User experience challenges: Some users may find it difficult to interact with decentralized licensing platforms that use Polygon IDs, especially if they are not familiar with blockchain technology. This can lead to user frustration and a lower adoption rate for the platform.
Working with solidity: Our team was challanged to use solidity to create smart contracts for creating the license and deploying media on ipfs and then deploying the contracts on FVM (FILECOIN HYPERSPACE).
Being quite inexperienced with web3 technologies like Polygon ID, Filecoin and IPFS it was really challanging for us to scrape the documentions and build this platform from scratch.
Tracks Applied (2)
Polygon Technology
Polygon Technology