
This is a mobile flutter app that will help people suffering from memory disorders like dementia to keep track of the forgotten things and person, manage their finances, daily work schedule, maintain

The problem DementLy solves

Dementia, is a class of neurodegenerative disorders that cause progressive impairments in memory. It is a group of thinking and social symptoms that interfere with daily functioning. Symptoms include forgetfulness and limited social skills so impaired that it interferes with daily functioning. With 50 million people suffering from this syndrome across the world and a rise of 10 million more every year, It imposes a large impact on the world.

Our App features pages like People, To- do lists, Credentials, Financials so that they can manage all their essential details that they tend to forget like their bank details, everyday chores, Passport details and many more.

Challenges we ran into

Microsoft Azure disturbed us the most.
