
Making Web3 accessible to everyone.

Created on 13th March 2022



Making Web3 accessible to everyone.

The problem DeLib solves

DeLib not just boosts up user onboarding and user experience but also provides a one-stop solution for an efficient library management system (both physical and e-Library).

Some of the features include:

  1. Inventory Management
  2. Role-based Access Control (Admin, members, and non-members)
  3. Categories
  4. Bookmark and organize books into shelves/folders
  5. Finding books in an efficient way (fuzzy search)
  6. Rating the book
  7. Exporting transactions/inventory statistics/user details as CSV
  8. Download eBooks
  9. Issue and Return Books (w.r.t. physical books)
  10. Keep track of the pending dues

No Wallet Setup required!
No need to worry about gas fees!
Say goodbye to annoying popups for signing transactions!

Challenges we ran into

It was the first time I was using Arcana and Biconomy; it was tedious yet enjoyable work to programmatically sign and send transactions, creating an application with a seamless user interface.
The major problem was the complex design of this system, which required a lot of time in debugging.
Also building such a complex application alone was a challenge for me, since my teammates couldn't participate in the hackathon.


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