Restrain the temperature rise to 2 degrees by 2100 with data prediction and alternative solutions.

The problem 2 DEGREE solves

Global Warming is the rise in global temperature due to greenhouse gas emissions. It is predicted that the Earth will see a rise of 5 Degree C in global temperature by 2100.

The Proposed Solution:
It follows a systematic manner of data prediction including all the necessary action planned factors such as:

  1. Energy Supply
  2. Transport
  3. Buildings and Industry
  4. Population Growth
  5. Economic Growth
    6)Land and Industrial Emissions
  6. Carbon Removal

It takes into consideration the use of industrial commodities, the supply chain, the factors affecting the production of basic amenities, and the factors hugely affecting the growth of natural resources and monitoring the exploitation of natural resources and using cheap products at a lower cost to produce such results without taking side-effects into consideration.

Our system depicts the data and as per the current situation, we use the data to predict where the graph grows or declines by the study of the cost of those amenities and the harmful or useful effect on the global scale of temperature rise.

Challenges we ran into

The data collected by us is kept as fact feeding and as real as possible without adulteration but when we searched for it we got into a lot of trouble because of the facts which were falsely claimed and never followed by any country in the world.
