Gaming is really a workout for your mind disguised as fun. Studies have shown that playing video games regularly may increase gray matter in the brain and boost brain connectivity. (Gray matter is associated with muscle control, memories, perception, and spatial navigation.) We are humans and we tend to get bored easily if we don't find things attractive - Our website provides you the perfect blend of Fun and Brain challenging games that would fade away your boredom and helps you in increasing your IQ in a way that you'd really enjoy! people tend to be lazy to study new words and vocabulary - our Boggle Board would help them learn new words in a way that they'll be curated to use them in real life.
most of the new games are addictive and promote aggressive behaviour amongst teens - Retro games meanwhile are fun and much less addictive comparitively. Moreover we're planning to allow our players to host there own games as well which would in turn help them boost there confidence and improve there problem solving skills as they'll be enjoying the developement process! We have a large scope to grow Cause everyone loves RETRO....
Initially the games that we were programming in page were affecting main style sheet - to prevent that from happening we created separate init files for them and used them as embeds. There were a lot of errors in cursor tracing but we worked on them to make it better. We tried to use Agora SDKs to allow people to play games together but due to the time constraint we were unable to finish it in time hence the feature's been removed.