
A simple, hassle-free DEX aggregator for transacting in a gasless manner.

The problem DeEasy solves

Decentralized Finances is a huge paradigm shift and a necessary one, but for an average web3 or internet user it is a challenging experience as it is currently.
Our project aims to resolve one part of the larger puzzle by simplifying the user experience and allowing the user to swap tokens in a gasless manner.

Challenges we ran into

There were several challenges:

  • The current router contracts don't support EIP 2771 which support forwarders for the use of signature based gasless transactions. Hence we had to write our own swap router contracts.
  • Biconomy is not strictly typed, and hence we had to pivot to OpenZeppelin Defender Dashboard to use relayers and autotasks for the gasless transaction.
  • There are no pools on testnet for experimenting and hence we had to create our own token pairs, and pools.
