

Innovative Design Solutions for Your Home or Business.

Created on 9th April 2023



Innovative Design Solutions for Your Home or Business.

The problem DecorGPT solves

The initial task on homeowners’ lists when renovating or redecorating
their homes is to paint the walls. This simple project provides an easy way
to give a room a fresh look and can even set the tone for the entire house.
However, choosing the right paint colour can be overwhelming due to the
endless options available, and a poor decision can be costly.
To alleviate this problem, come up with a robust system that enables
homeowners to visualize how their homes would appear with a new coat
of paint. This system should be intelligent enough to ignore the complex
objects within the house and accurately paint only the necessary wall
sections, while still maintaining a realistic representation of the image.

Challenges we ran into

Unity App Development was a tough task and integrating it with openCV was even harder.


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