

Compete in coding quiz to gain skills, earn money. Recruiter sponsor events, users earn tokens via events,contests etc. tutoring. AI-driven career development. verified portfolios skill based hiring.



Compete in coding quiz to gain skills, earn money. Recruiter sponsor events, users earn tokens via events,contests etc. tutoring. AI-driven career development. verified portfolios skill based hiring.

The problem DeCode solves

Problems Solved

  1. Inter Beneficial platform for Recruiters, Student Developers, Organization
  • Students Earn tokens for solving problems from different domains enhancing their skills and earning at the same time
  • Recruiters can host a Event (Hackathon / Coding challenge) to test developer's skill and hire based on skill
  • Organizations can sponsor events and all Web 3 investments taken as BTC will be swapped to EVM alternate while distribution (i.e. HHGOA in devfolio)
  1. Sharing of knowledge happens as Developers who are experienced in a certain domain can list them here and interested candidate can apply using the tokens awarded in the platform, Enhancing knowledge and like mindedness in the student communities

  2. Personalized Portfolio tamper proof with the transparency of blockchain
    Automated Portfolio based on their skill set and Experience

  3. Technical content is not available in all regional languages giving the option to everyone to share their knoewledge will overcome language barriers in online learning

  4. Conversion of BTC volume to EVM equivalent generate a fast and flexible web3 community

  5. Exclusive to India (User Verified by Aadhaar) to provide exclusivity

  6. Ai based career recommendation based on previous activity for Student career assistence

Challenges we ran into

  • New to Web3 and TypeScript so defining types for everything is hard
  • Vite Doesn't verbose errors like pure react / Nextjs project making debugging slower
  • Garden SDK has poor decumentation leading to improper wallet connection most of the time

Tracks Applied (5)

Best Use of Anon Aadhar SDK

Anon Aadhaar •⁠ ⁠Avoids Identity Threat by Aadhaar Integration •⁠ ⁠Ensures only one account per user •⁠ ⁠India's Edut...Read More

Anon Aadhar

VC Pool

Soonami VC Pool Project is submitted in foundance in the category Educational Technology Has a very good market in india...Read More

Built on Garden Finance SDK

Garden (BTC to EVM Swap) •⁠ ⁠Gets the Investment in BTC network - Distributes in EVM for flexibility and SMART contract...Read More

Build on Diamante Blockchain

Diamente •⁠ ⁠Uses Diamente's SDK to provide awards to student in Diam coins or anyother Diamente supported currency •⁠ ...Read More

Diamante Blockchain

Grants Program

INDIA'S WEB3 EDUTECH •⁠ ⁠Our project has the motive of enhancing student developers knowledge •⁠ ⁠Depends on Garden fo...Read More
