

Decentralized Certificates: Breaking Barriers, Building Trust.

The problem De-Certify solves

The decentralized certificate management solution presented here addresses the issue of reliance on centralized systems for certificate issuance and validation. By removing the need for a single central authority, it enables users to send and receive certificates in a borderless and transparent way, promoting trust and accessibility. I have also added Aadhar Verification.This approach empowers individuals to manage their credentials independently, fostering a more inclusive and globally accessible certificate management system.

Challenges I ran into

Integration and Interaction of Contract With React
Managing the transaction
Uploading File on IPFS Pinata and retriveing the hash

Tracks Applied (2)

Ethereum + Polygon Track

I have written a smart contract in solidity and deployed it on polygon testnet Mumbai and interacted with it in Frontend


Ethereum Track

I have written a smart contract in solidity and deployed it on polygon and used eth for transactions

