Created on 26th June 2022
It allows the user to hold the warranty of the product as their nfts.
Using the NFT, we can determine whether the user is eligible for a warranty or not.
We faced a variety of problems during our entire journey of this hackathons. With so many great ideas from everybody, It took immense planning and brainstorming from the team to finally select a project for building .
The major challenge was familiarising ourselves with the new tech stack which needed to be used (ie Moralis and NextJS). We used to divide the work amongst and educate each other about what we learnt. The documentation and MLH pages were a great help.
even during building the project we faced many challenges with smart contracts and their deployment and the final integration with the NextJS application. We took help from yt and the developer community at HH discord server.
The hosting process was very tedious as well . Finally the final submission and video editing were a hasle as well but at an overall level it was
a great learning experience for the entire team.