Decentralized Stable Coin

Stability in Cryptocurrency, Pegged to USD Value


Decentralized Stable Coin

Stability in Cryptocurrency, Pegged to USD Value

The problem Decentralized Stable Coin solves

Decentralized Stable Coin Foundry is designed to provide a stable cryptocurrency that is pegged to the current USD value. Users can deposit WETH and WBTC in exchange for a token that will maintain a constant value relative to the US dollar. This stability makes it easier for users to hold onto their assets and avoid the volatility associated with most cryptocurrencies.

Challenges I ran into

Creating a stable coin that accurately reflects the value of the US dollar posed a significant challenge. The value of cryptocurrencies is inherently volatile, and maintaining a stable value required careful management of reserves and mechanisms to adjust the supply of tokens in response to market conditions. Implementing these mechanisms in a decentralized manner was particularly challenging but ultimately rewarding.
